Work Permit in Switzerland

Since the establishment of the Bilateral Agreements between Switzerland and the European Union, citizens from the EU residing in Switzerland for profit – making purposes, have a legal claim to the access to the Swiss labor market, given that all the required legal conditions are met. The agreements also apply to the states that are members of the European Free Trade Association.

Benefits of holding company in Switzerland

A Swiss holding company is usually founded in the form of a GmbH or AG. This type of company holds and manages long – term financial investments and participations in other corporations. A holding company is the perfect solution for investors that need to manage the majority of the shares from other companies. Switzerland is currently one of the countries that offer the best tax benefits for foreign investors.

New blockchain era for Switzerland. What you need to know?

Last year, Switzerland introduced a new law, the "blockchain law". The implementation of this law will follow two stages: the first which already occured on the 1st of February, and the other to eventuate in August. Invoked on the 1st of February were reforms on company law. In the second phase in August, the State will put into effect upgrades of the financial market infrastructure. These will allow Switzerland to have a properly managed cryptocurrency industry where all actors are fully informed of the opportunities & risks associated.